"Standing Strong For the new 60th District Assembly Seat"
Of the many serious issues facing our District, State and Nation my focus will continue to be on these:
We are seeing failed far left liberal policies at every level of government:
- The U.S. looks incompetent on the global stage: a shameful exit from Afghanistan and allowing our enemies to threaten world peace around the globe. Weak leadership and leading from behind has never worked in world history
- Inflation is out of control- pocketbooks for average Americans are being hammered
- Border control is a disaster: Putting this into perspective, in excess of 2, million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since Biden came in to office. Biden's policies have generated new illegal populations that exceed the populations of 16 American States in less than 16 months. Where does this end?
- Violence and failure to enforce existing law: These statistics in democratic controlled areas are the worst our country has ever experienced. Americans should not be afraid in their own neighborhoods. We need a return to the rule of law and the execution of that law at every level of government
It is time to fight back and reverse these far-left trends for the future sake of our families, communities and country
... because Elections Have Consequences!
Read MorePocketbook Issues
We are experiencing the highest inflation in 45 years. Rising prices for gas, food, housing, supplies, etc. This is causing serious pain to most Americans and it is reducing their options and abilities when it comes to their budgets.
Too many of the financial crises in America today are the result of poor, short-sided, liberal government economic policies. Running up deficits by billions and trillions of dollars will result in a future for our children and grandchildren with reduced options and opportunities. Why? Because this generation exercised poor financial stewardship. Governmental budget and debt abuse matters!
Read MoreJobs & the Economy
We need concerted, public/private initiatives that will result in improving family supporting incomes as a solid foundation for a greater community and state. A gainfully employed people have a better chance of having fulfilling lives. We have the organizations and the public means of doing this in the 52nd and need to capitalize on it promptly.
Today the problem is that we cannot find enough qualified workers. Baby boomers are retiring and we need qualified people to take their place. This concern has been discussed in recent years but too little has been done to prepare those students who are not headed off to four year colleges to be ready to enter the workforce. If the 52nd District focuses on preparing, equipping and making available a desirable workforce, this District has the base and the tools to employ and make great careers for our young people.
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Law Enforcement/Public Protection
As a nation we need to support funding a fully equipped and fully prepared military to face the threats we see at home and around the world. We need to support those who are tasked with enforcing the integrity of our borders.
At the state and local levels, we need to have a government that upholds and honors all forms of law enforcement.
Beginning with the State Attorney General, we need every District/Local Attorneys and government attorney to uphold the law as it is written, not based on how they may choose to apply the law. In turn our Judges need to act in like manner.
A nation survives by creating and enforcing a "Rule of Law": The left has been working to undermine the Rule of Law in America. We are seeing an alarming increase in violence and destruction in many of our large cities. In Wisconsin we find that our Governor, State Attorney General and district attorneys in blue cities/counties ignore the Rule of Law when it came to investigating election irregularities or possible crimes. This Governor has vetoed every bill placed before him to make Wisconsin a home for honest elections. We need leaders that will not surrender the Rule Of Law to their own ideas of how the law should be applied. These attorney for our government need to be held accountable.
Read MoreElection Integrity
The citizens of this State need to know that all levels of government, beginning with our Governor, State Legislature, and the State's Attorney General, will insure that elections are free, accessible and managed in such a way as to make it difficult to cheat. Those that break state laws should be held accountable and prosecuted if the offenses warrant it.
Bills passed in this session by the State Senate and Assembly go a long way in achieving this goal.
Read MoreGovernment Role
We need a government that serves the people, that while providing needed services, is cautious about adding additional burdens to taxpayers for often times questionable discretionary spending.
Budget management: Like families, government needs to live within its means and avoid the temptation to use the money from future generations to pay for our wants today. This has the impact of the present generation approving what is too often excessive spending and then leaving the tab for future generations to pick up. If we wouldn't do that within our own families, then there is little justification to do so as a government entity
Control Spending as the Means to Control Taxes: This is an area I know well and will press these issues in Madison. If government is frugal with its spending, then there is less need to increase taxes and a sound rationale to in fact reduce the taxes we are already paying.
Holding government and its budgets accountable is an area where I believe I can be an influencer in Madison. Bringing a sharp focus on how we can maximize budgets to create long-term, economically-sustainable outcomes- with lower taxes and less debt, while providing needed goods and services.
A low tax state, combined with only necessary regulatory controls, is a magnet for our citizens to remain here and an incentive to have more people move to Wisconsin.
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Family Values
Family and family values are foundational for society and critically important to me. In addition to my vocal support for these issues, I have been the Chairman of Charis Pregnancy Help Center in Fond du Lac for five years.
At Charis we stand for Pro-Life at every level with a focus on providing assistance for the woman facing an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. We are there to provide free ultrasounds, mentoring, counseling, education and provisions. From a Christian perspective, our donors and supporters are entering into the heart of the abortion issue to help the mothers and fathers in their time of need.
There are a myriad of issues opposed to traditional family values today and I will be a conservative voice to make a case in the public arena.
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