Photos from the campaign trail.
Looking for Help to gather Nomination Signatures
Every two years the entire Assembly runs for office. Part of that effort is to gather 400 Nomination Signatures.
Can you help by requesting a nomination form or further by collecting signatures from you family friends or acquaintances?
Contact me for forms by texting 920-948-4207. Thank you
April Recipes For Freedom
I shared some of the issues facing Wisconsin today followed by a Q&A
Campaign Kickoff photos
April 16th we had a successful campaign kickoff event at Kornelli's Family Entertainment Center. Thanks to all who joined us and for those who sent in a campaign donation
Luanne and me
My partner and best friend makes all the difference in the world. Thanks Lu
Turning Point GOTV Rally October 15th
Spoke to the Rally along with Congressman Glenn Grothman, FDL County Exec Sam Kaufman, Brett Galaszwski. Also in attendance were Sec of State Candidate, Amy Loudenbach, 59th District Rep Candidate, Ty Bodden and Regular Joe,
Town and Village Board Meetings:
Here's a photo from the Village of Oakfield Board Meeting from Wednesday evening. This follows earlier meetings with the Township Board Meetings at Eldorado, Lamartine and Byron. We truly have some great people representing us in these localities.
Getting yard signs ready
Yard signs are ready. Since I decided to leave my job as a retiree, I am learning a whole range of new skills. Here, Louie Santini and I are stapling yard signs to a wire frame. Who knew? Thanks Louie.
Sleep In Heavenly Peace banquet
Last night Luanne Faith Bohlman-O'Connor and I attended the "Sleep In Heavenly Peace" fundraising banquet at South Hills CC. This organization, under the leadership of Tom Otte, build beds for those kids in our community who literally do not have beds. Very rewarding program for all involved. Log on to https://l.facebook.com/l.php... if you'd like to get involved.
Envision's "Project Grill" (click here for more photos)
Spent time attending Envision's "Project Grill" where High School student teams compete for prizes for the grills they built in affiliation with local manufacturers. Their grills were AMAZING! Thanks to all the sponsors and congratulations to all the students who took advantage of this opportunity. This will translate into students who will be "employable" upon graduation.!!!
Charis Pregnancy Help Center
What an amazing team from SSM. Nicole Lloyd & Barb Van Egtern from the Mission Action Team at SSM Health, (shown here with Charis Board President, Jerry O’Connor & Executive Director, Cindy Sweeney) brought in Mother’s Day gift baskets from 20 different departments at SSM to bless the mothers we serve here at Charis! A huge thank you to the many generous employees at SSM health! God bless you!
Green Lake County Rebulican Party Lincoln Day Event
Talking with America's #1 U.S. Senator Ron Johnson. We could not be more proud to have him represent our State on the National Stage. Let's re-elect Ron Johnson
Green Lake County Rebulican Party Lincoln Day Event
Compliments to the Green Lake County Committee for presenting a wonderful program. Pic with the Party Vice-Chair Victoria Gundrum. Please share with the GLC Party what a wonderful job they have done this year
Eden Lions Club Brat Fry
Thanks to Cal Hermann and the Eden's Lion's Club for allowing me to gather nomination signatures last week at the Eden Cafe
Fundraiser for State Attorney General Eric Toney and Ryan Waldschmidt for his re-election campaign for County Sheriff
Joining in the fundraiser activities was Jeremy Thiesfeldt, the current State representative for the 52nd District Assembly seat and Bob Simon, Board Chair for the Town of Byron and a member of the County Board of Supervisors
Campaign photos
ENDORSEMENT: Thank you to State Attorney General Candidate Eric Toney for his support for my campaign. I sincerely respect the job Eric has done for Fond du Lac County. His commitment, integrity and talent are deeply needed in Madison. Join me in supporting Eric for his campaign
Ripon- Republican Party beginnings
Birthplace of the Republican Party March 3, 1854
St. Patrick's day Parade
Getting ready for the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Fond du Lac