Assembly Rep O'Connor announces Re-Election Campaign
For Immediate Press Release: March 13, 2024
Assembly Rep Jerry O’Connor Announces Re-election Bid for Wisconsin’s new 60th Assembly District
On Wednesday, State Assembly Representative Jerry O’Connor (R-Fond du Lac) announced that he will be running for re-election this November in Wisconsin’s 60th Assembly District. The new 60th Assembly District lines encompass the City of Fond du Lac, the Village of North Fond du Lac, and the townships of Empire, Fond du Lac, and Friendship.
“I am extremely honored to have the opportunity to represent the people in my Fond du Lac District under the current 52nd District lines and for next year, with a few changes drawn up, the 60th District. I hope you will entrust me in taking on this role once again in 2025-2026 as we continue to fight for: lower taxes, smaller government, election integrity, streamlined regulations, and conservative social values.”
Following his retirement from a banking and business career, Representative O’Connor was elected to represent the 52nd Assembly District in 2022. O’Connor noted, “I signed up for this job because I sincerely care about the people in my communities, together with the broader concerns we see nationally and the challenges that are tearing at the social fabric of our nation. I will continue to approach these issues with the common-sense conservative, time tested principles that built this great nation.”
In the 2023-2024 session O’Connor served as the Chair of the Speaker’s Task Force on Human Trafficking, Vice Chair of the Financial Institutions Committee and a member of these committees: Colleges & Universities; Corrections; Family Law; Jobs, Economy & Small Business Development; and Workforce Development & Economic Opportunities
Representative O’Connor authored 31 bills with the potential that half of those could be signed into law before this session ends. Additionally, he co-sponsored more than 300 bills where the focus of these bills has been on tax cuts; election integrity; updating laws and regulations; introducing bills to reduce sex trafficking in Wisconsin; addressing free speech concerns on college campuses; promoting improved education outcomes; returning shared revenue back to our local jurisdictions; and holding government accountable to the people.
O’Connor further emphasized that, “the upcoming election cycles are crucial for our country and state. We need to come together and work towards the collective goal of electing Republicans up and down the ballot – in 2024 this includes the President, US Senator, the State Senators and Assembly Reps races. In 2025 elect a constitutionalist judge for the State Supreme Court, and then in 2026, we need to retire Governor Evers.”
To learn more about the Representative, you can find public information at: https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/52/oconnor/